Upcoming Events

Climate Action London will have an outreach table at Eco-Activism for Youth on May 7th.

Designed for youth ages 14-24

Are you concerned about climate change and the state of the planet? Join with other youth from around the city who share your goals of making change. Hear from youth activist Beze Gray, water protector and land defender from Aamjiwnaang First Nation. Get tools and tips for taking action. This session will be facilitated by London's Environmentalist in Residence, educator and activist, Jennifer Chesnut. All levels of experience are welcome. Light snacks will be provided.

You can register with this link (and a library card) or by simply calling the Library at (519) 661 4600:

You can also drop in on the day. First come, first serve.

Beze Gray is a two-spirit Anishnaabe, Delaware, and Oneida from Aamjiwnaang First Nation, treaty #29 territory. They are an organizer of grassroots events based on culture and environment such as the Toxic Tour and Aamjiwnaang Water Gathering. They focus on telling their experience of living in Canada's Chemical Valley.

 Find beautiful, low maintenance plants for your garden while supporting
your local non-profit organizations.

Native plants naturally occur in our local areas and provide food and habitat to local pollinators, insects, birds, and other wildlife. They are also well suited to our climate and soils, so they require less care in terms of watering, fertilizing, and pest control compared to exotic garden plants. And they make for beautiful, climate-friendly, water-wise gardens!

Order now until May 15th. Pick up your plants at the
Westminster Ponds Centre on May 28th.

We are partnering with other great London organizations on the Native Plant Sale Fundraiser

Current Projects Transforming London


Lucca’s Plant-Based Cooking Adventure!

A collaboration between Climate Action London and Indwell run by Omar Abdelraheem and Lucca Vigia to teach residents of the Indwell community delicious plant-based recipes! This project was created to strengthen food security, enhance wellness and self-reassurance, and take climate action. Participants are encouraged to take part in creating their own small kitchen garden or upkeeping the Indwell Woodfield Gate garden to provide fresh produce for their meals.

Grants received from the London Environmental Network and the United Church of Canada’s Edge Fund will provide funding for food, leadership and support.

Cooking class tutorial videos taught by Chef Lucca are posted throughout the duration of the program on our YouTube channel so that anyone can get inspired to eat more plant-based meals!


every month on the 21st

Join other faith communities in London.

Learn about what other faith communities are doing to address the climate emergency.

Discover ways we can support your efforts to respond.

January: Establishing a Green Team

February: Energy Audits: The First Step to Greening Sacred Spaces

March: Spring Equinox Celebration at Victoria Park

The Urban Roots garden at Siloam United Church continues to provide fresh produce well into November.

This garden will be expanded in Spring 2022 to include an orchard and food forest.